I'll do window shopping to kill time. 我准备去随便逛逛以消磨时间?
I think all the girls love window shopping. 我以为所有的女孩子都喜欢逛街。
I'm broke, but I like window shopping. 我没钱,但是我喜欢逛街。
If a user customizes a product inside a ThickBox window and clicks Submit, will the shopping cart appear inside the same ThickBox window? 如果用户在ThickBox窗口定制一个产品并单击Submit,购物车会出现在相同的ThickBox窗口内吗?
So was walking down the street doing some window shopping and I noticed this beautiful handbag which I thought really matched my personality. 继续沿着街道走,在门外看看商品,我注意到一个漂亮的背包,我想它真的很适合我的个性。
Almost every shop is full of special offers and bargains, which can make it hard to just go window shopping. 几乎每家商店都有特价,打折活动,这使得要做到光看不买的去逛商店变得太难了。
Let's go downtown and go window shopping. 我们到闹区去逛橱窗不花钱。
The young tend to go window shopping because they wish to learn more; 年轻人喜欢逛街,因为他们希望了解更多;
I like to go window shopping. 我只是在逛橱窗不花钱。
I'm just window shopping. 我只是随便看看而已。
X'mas is round the corner, let's do window shopping in Munich! 佳节将临,不是身在慕尼黑的,亦可以了浏览橱窗一下。
Around one in10 respondents to the survey, carried in November, said their favourite free activity was window shopping and6% chose going to a museum as the cheapest way to pass the time. 在11月进行的这项调查中,关于打发时间最便宜的方式,十分之一的人表示他们最喜欢的免费活动是闲逛商店,百分之六的人选择去博物馆。
But it was more like window shopping. 不过那更像一种只看不卖。
That was more than the next three highest options combined& gossiping with friends ( 18 percent), window shopping ( nine percent) and going to a museum ( six percent). 这一比例甚至高于其它三个最受欢迎活动的比例之和。这三大活动分别是:与朋友闲聊(18%),逛街(9%)和参观博物馆(6%)。
What you feel after today's window shopping? 今天逛街后的感觉怎么样?
It goes back to my childhood when we would go window shopping on a Saturday evening just to get out of the house for a while. 这一切可追溯到童年时期,那时,在周六晚上,我们会去逛橱窗,只为了逃离家一会儿。
She's window shopping, and oh, she's naked! 她在逛橱窗,哦,她裸体了!
Tracey: Of course! We can go window shopping all day and eat at the cool cafeteria in the second floor food court. 翠茜:当然。可以逛一整天,在商城二层的很棒的自助餐馆里吃东西。
Afterwards, we can do a little window shopping. 之后,我们可以稍逛橱窗不花钱。
It costs no money to go window shopping. 每星期六我们都去逛橱窗不花钱。
We walked along Oxford Street but we were only window shopping. 我们沿着牛津街行走,但我们只是溜街看看橱窗。
Fifth Avenue is a good place for window shopping. (纽约市)第五街是逛街的好去处。